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  • Few people have an endless supply of capital and assets to use to help fund their long term care. That being said, one of the biggest challenges facing those who have to pay for their own care is that their funds can run out, and they can actually run out quite quickly. This is because […]

  • Long term care can include a variety of different things, depending on individual needs. Long term care for the elderly could mean help with day-to-day activities or support with an on-going medical condition. As the nature of long term care varies, so does the cost of long term care. Many consumers are surprised when they […]

  • While the number of individuals needing long term care continues to increase, so do the costs associated with paying for that care. In fact, it is anticipated that there will be 130,000 new residents admitted to care in the next year. These individuals can suffer from a number of different conditions, including disabilities, illnesses, injuries […]

  • Average life expectancy continues to increase with people simply being expected to live much longer than ever before. While many look at this as a good thing, it does require that the average consumer better plan for their financial future. This can often mean planning for long term care or other health related services. As […]

  • Few people prepare for entering into long term care. Even fewer people like to think of having to put their loved one, most likely a parent, into a long term care facility. That being said, once the day comes to pass it is understandable why the main concern would be how to fund such care, […]

  • If you were to do a poll on the population there would likely be a very small proportion that would say they had planned to move into residential or nursing care when they were in their later years. No one really ever anticipates that they will have to move in to a care facility. Perhaps […]